Reel Review: You’re Cordially Invited Doesn’t Live Up To Reese Witherspoon’s Rom-Com Past

While planning her sister’s (Meredith Hagner) dream wedding, a woman (Reese Witherspoon) and the father of the other bride (Will Ferrell) discover that their wedding venue at a remote resort is double booked. The two decide to share the venue causing chaos to ensue.

While You’re Cordially Invited poses an interesting romantic comedy premise, it lacks one of the genre’s key elements: romance. Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon make for an interesting duo, but any of their on-screen interactions lack any form of chemistry. Witherspoon comes off as trying a bit too hard in terms of capturing the magic of rom-com’s past while Ferrell leans into his full on comedy roots.

One of the more redeeming aspects of the movie is the relationship between Jim (Ferrell) and his daughter Jenni (Geraldine Viswanathan). The duo encapsulate the closeness of a single father raising a daughter in an earnest but also borderline weird way. Jenni and her friends are the ultimate caricature obnoxious Gen-Z college grads that barely reflect reality but do pose a stark juxtaposition to Margot and Neve’s family. The overly buttoned up and southern family is widely disconnected and judgmental without sharing anything real. They care far more about appearances than reality.

There are some fun cameos including Nick Jonas and Peyton Manning, but their inclusion feels like last minute additions than planned delights. While most romantic comedies pose as a form of escapism, You’re Cordially Invited doesn’t say anything new or offer any characters worth rooting for. Jimmy Tatro and Jack McBrayer have some fun and hilarious line deliveries, but they are rare and underutilized.

As any good romantic comedy should, You’re Cordially Invited ends with a post-credit sing along scene that is more entertaining than much of the film itself. While the movie offers up some lighthearted fun, it fails to capture the magic and magnetism of Reese Witherspoon’s reign over the romantic comedy genre.

You’re Cordially Invited is streaming on Prime Video.

Jordan Bohan

Jordan Bohan is a content creator, writer, producer, and social media strategist. You can find her reading an upcoming book to screen adaptation, binge-watching your next favorite TV show, and dissecting the cast of the newest feature film. Jordan is also a full time social media coordinator for Nickelodeon, bringing your slime filled childhood to your social feeds.


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